Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Political theater will imitate Broadway musical (and London stage) this week as my fair lady, Sarah Palin, will meet and greet heads of state and world statesmen, including (I kid you not) Hamid Kharzai, Henry (Higgins) Kissinger and Bono. These tete-a-tete's will take place off-Broadway at the United Nations following on the heels (peep toe Red Monkey's for the fashionista) of a 60,000 strong turnout in Florida. Summa bonum!

Will Eliza Doolittle emerge from these meetings, her social class undetected and speaking with a Harvard accent? Let's hope not!

The great and continuing appeal of Sarah Palin is the unvarnished authenticity of her personality, roots and vernacular. She's folksy, down home and politically astute. No one seriously thinks she is ready to decorate the oval office tomorrow, but a large and growing part of the electorate appreciate her moxie, work and family ethic and want to see her succeed. This leader has followers who are also believers.

Nor can one seriously think that Obama has the chops to lead. Those who drank communion Kool Aid at the church of Obama sense that the tent revival crowds have moved on to another attraction. Those who had church-envy when the Obama crusade dominated the media now throng to the thrill of the Palin event. The rain for McCain comes mainly from Palin.

But for the incipient collapse of world financial markets and the resurgence of Islamic Terrorism, this would be great entertainment. Clearly, neither Presidential candidate (perhaps no imaginable candidate) has the depth of knowledge and the range of experience to handle the complexity of these daunting problems, or others that will soon emerge.

So the choice is yours: do you want Sarah Palin, a novice in training, a heart beat away from the Presidency, or do you want Barrack Obama, the novice to be trained on the job? Come to think of it, didn't we do that on the job training thing with Jimmy Carter?

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