Chapter 2: A Journal of a Journey
Over the Mountains
first ventured into the colonial frontier in March 1748, sixteen years of age,
as part of a survey crew sent to the Shenandoah Valley. The crew’s mission: to mark off Lord
Fairfax’s extensive holdings into leasehold parcels.[1] He kept a travel diary entitled “A Journal of
My Journey over the Mountains.”[2]
He records in that diary his first encounter with Indians on March 23 (JJM at
13/33) and the Pennsylvania Dutch (German speaking people) on April 4 (JJM at
Monday 4th this morning Mr. Faifax
left us with Intent to go down to ye Mouth of ye Branch we did two Lots &
was attended by a great Company of People Men Women & Children that
attended us through ye Woods as we went showing there Antick tricks I really think
they seem to be as Ignorant a Set of People as the Indians they would never
speak English but when spoken to they speak Dutch [English language word for
the German “Deutch”]
these two events, Washington’s party enjoyed the hospitality in Maryland of
Colonel Cresap who also figured prominently in Braddock’s campaign in 1755 as
well as border wars between Maryland and Pennsylvania. By the time of the Braddock campaign,
Washington had a much better opinion of German speaking settlers and by the
time of the Revolutionary War, he fully appreciated the loyalty and fighting
qualities of ethnic German-American soldiers.
As a result of his first foray as a surveyor into the frontier,
Washington developed a keen sense of future land values and made his first
acquisition of a tract of land in the Shenandoah Valley.
[1] This and other surveys probably provided data for the
map of Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson, first published in 1751. Two editions of the map appear in Maryland
Historical Society, Mapping Maryland: The
Willard Hackerman Collection at 24-25 and 38. (Baltimore 1998) ISBN 0-938420-64-X.
[2] Page cites are to un-annotated/annotated versions of
the Journal. Un-annotated online: Annotated online:
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